So I decided to create in depth training from A-to-Z with no stone left unturned on how to get the most out of ClickFunnels that even a complete newbie could understand and almost instantly can become a ClickFunnels expert.
But I didn't stop there...
Nope! Not a chance. I wanted to make this offer so brain dead simple that I am not only going to give a members area complete with over 69 over the shoulder videos on how to use ClickFunnels, but I'm also going to give you 1 lead gen funnel per niche (Accountants, Auto Shops, Cosmetic Surgeons, Dentists, Hair Salons, Nail Salons, Personal Injury Attorneys, Personal Trainers, Pest Control, Plumbers, Real Estate Agents, Roofers, etc.) along with 1 salesman website (for your Social Posting, Social Newsletters, Social Deals, Social Bots, Social Covers, Google My Business, Hybrid Website Services, etc.) each and every month!
Oh, and did I mention you'll get access to our private Facebook group mastermind (that's only for folks in the Local Funnel Academy)?
And I'm going to give you all of this for FREE!
All I ask of you is to sign-up for a ClickFunnels account using my affiliate link that you can find on this very page (if or when enrollment is open).
I could very easily charge you $97/mo. for this private mastermind, but I want you to be a ClickFunnels user so badly that I've decided to waive my monthly fee in exchange of you applying that amount to have your very own ClickFunnels account.
With this membership you will instantly become a ClickFunnels Expert and have all the necessary tools (completely done-for-you lead gen funnels and salesman websites) to start collecting $99-$199 per client per month for their new 'hybrid sales funnel website'.
Once you get your ClickFunnels account through my affiliate link, you'll simply need to send me an email and I will get you instant access to the members area, added to our private Facebook group, and your first month's completely done-for-you lead gen funnel and salesman website.
Why not charge your client more per month for these websites and sales funnels? It's simple...
Most small business owners are struggling to make ends meet, but need your help. They simply cannot afford high one-time or monthly fees.
That's when I came up with the idea of offering hybrid sales funnel websites at no-brainer price points like $99 and $199 per month.
The trick was that those services I was about to offer would have to be pretty much set and forget so I could do the work one time and get paid month-after-month, year-after-year for client-after-client.
That's when Local Funnel Academy was born...
So if you're still struggling to have a stable income working as a Small Business Consultant...